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Dr. Jonah Ratsimbazafy Wins the Seacology Prize!

Dr. Jonah Ratsimbazafy wins the 2023 Seacology Prize.

Congratulations to Dr. Jonah Ratsimbazafy, President of the International Primatological Society and Founding Member of Groupe d’Etude et de Recherche sur les Primates de Madagascar (GERP)!

Dr. Jonah Ratsimbazafy was awarded the 2023 Seacology Prize, an international environmental prize, for his more than three decades of dedication to lemur and habit conservation in Madagascar!  The prize comes with a USD $10,000 award and trip to the USA. He was presented with the Seacology Prize on Monday, October 9 at the David Brower Center in Berkeley, California.

About the Seacology Prize

About Dr. Jonah’s Work

This article from the Seacology Prize describes Jonah’s inspiration and tireless work for lemurs:

The first time he saw one of his island’s iconic lemurs—those big-eyed, long-tailed primates that dance through the trees—it was love at first sight. On the forest treks where he first encountered lemurs, he also saw traps set by people hunting them for meat. He also saw that lemur habitat was rapidly being destroyed, and that many species faced the very real possibility of imminent extinction. That led him to his life’s goal: “I feel a personal responsibility towards ensuring no more lemurs go extinct.”

Dr. Ratsimbazafy’s conservation efforts take several forms. His research contributes to the store of knowledge about lemurs, providing information necessary for effective management. He is also an outspoken proponent of policies that will save Madagascar’s lemurs.

Finally, he is a tireless grassroots campaigner for Madagascar’s precious ecosystems. He could have a job anywhere, but he returned to Madagascar, one of the world’s poorest nations, to work on community conservation. He wants the Malagasy people, not outsiders, to take responsibility for protecting the island’s unique biodiversity.

Videos about Dr. Jonah Ratsimbazafy

Biographical Film about Dr. Jonah


Seacology Prize Acceptance Speech (October, 2023)

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