Memberships for Malagasy Students and Professionals

Learn how to join our network as a Malagasy student or professional.
Since we launched in 2015, our network has included dozens of organizations working in Madagascar to protect wildlife and support Malagasy people.
Now, Malagasy students and professionals can also join the network at no cost. Malagasy members can use our platforms to promote their work and share information with the professional conservation community, and can volunteer with LCN at events. They can also nominate projects for our supporting memberships to financially sponsor.
for Malagasy Students and Professionals
Malagasy student and professional members receive:
- Included in member list on our English and Malagasy websites
- Can promote that you are a member of the Lemur Conservation Network
Eligibility for Other Benefits
- We hope to highlight each member in one social media post per year
- Members can contribute photos, videos, and text for social media posts on LCN’s platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube
- Members are eligible to write blog posts for LCN’s English and Malagasy websites
- Members can volunteer for LCN at events in Madagascar
- Members can apply for their projects or organizations to be included as donation options for supporting members. Financial support is not guaranteed. Supporting members vote as a group to select two projects to support each year.
Active members receive the most benefits!
We encourage members to regularly send us photos and updates about their work. This helps us share your work more often.
Apply Now
Send an email to to inquire about becoming a Malagasy member.