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bushmeat trade

The Urban Bushmeat Trade in Madagascar: A New Emerging Threat

  “What kind of meat have you eaten in the last three days?” “Have you ever eaten lemur meat?” “What kind of fadys (taboos) do you have against meat?” Imagine asking these questions almost 2,000 times to complete strangers across 21 cities and villages across Madagascar; if you’d been asked, what kind of response would you have given? If you happened to be one of the Malagasy interviewees that my research team spoke to in 2013, you might have said […]

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Lemur Conservation Network Celebrates First Anniversary

This February 25th, the Lemur Conservation Network will celebrate its first anniversary. As Director of the Lemur Conservation Network, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone who made this endeavor possible, look back on all we accomplished in our first year, and look forward to exciting things to come in years future. How the Lemur Conservation Network Came to Be On February 25th 2015, the Lemur Conservation Network (LCN) was launched globally. The launch coincided with the one year anniversary of the […]

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