Home » Support Conservation in Madagascar with Wingtap

Support Conservation in Madagascar with Wingtap

At the Lemur Conservation Network, we believe that everyone can make a difference for conservation.

You don’t have to be a scientist, live in a biodiversity hotspot, work at an international conservation organization, or have a ton of money. We all have talents, and there is no shortage of need in conservation!

Brothers Anton and Nikita of Wingtap

Two Brothers Making a Difference with Wingtap

That’s how it all started for Anton and Nikita, the two brothers behind a new app called Wingtap. They wondered how they could leverage technology to make a positive impact.

Realizing that individual actions matter, they were inspired by the 3.5% rule, which shows that significant societal changes can be achieved with the engagement of just 3.5% of the population. This encouraged them to create Wingtap, an app designed to empower individuals to support impactful nonprofits easily.

What is Wingtap?

Wingtap is a fundraising app that is designed to be simple to use and transparent about your donations, while highlighting the incredible achievements of nonprofits worldwide. With just a few taps, users can contribute to building schools, cleaning lakes, digging wells, or protecting forests, whether these initiatives are thousands of miles away or next door.

About the Founders of Wingtap, Anton and Nikita

Anton and Nikita are two brothers from Switzerland. Anton, with his expertise in data science and technology, has a background in product development at IBM. Nikita, a finance and consulting professional, has worked with EY and various multinationals. Together, their complementary skills and common passion fuel their mission.

The Journey to Create Wingtap

Anton and Nikita dedicated over two years to create the right experience for donors and supporters of nonprofits. They immersed themselves into the charitable world and spent months researching donor behavior, donor journeys, customer behavior – making data-driven and educated decisions every step of the way. They developed and tested multiple prototypes, incorporating feedback from friends and collaborating with several nonprofits. Their commitment to understanding the needs of both users and organizations led to the creation of the current Wingtap.

Anton says:

We plan to keep strengthening our relationship with our partner nonprofits, like the Lemur Conservation Network. We are committed to remaining agile, listening to feedback, and continuously improving to provide the best possible experience for every user!

Help the Lemur Conservation Network bring our Lemurs card game to more communities in Madagascar through Wingtap.

How can you support  conservation in Madagascar through Wingtap?

Three conservation organizations who work in Madagascar are featured on Wingtap:

  • Lemur Conservation Network (that’s us!)
  • Lemur Conservation Foundation
  • Turtle Survival Alliance

Learn more about their projects on Wingtap below.

Inspire Communities to Love Lemurs with  Card Games from the Lemur Conservation Network

We’ve already shared our card game with over 40 organizations, 15 schools, and dozens of communities in Madagascar. We’re hoping to raise more funds through Wingtap to print more games, create a mini-pack of new species, and create lesson plans in Malagasy to accompany the games.

Help the Turtle Survival Alliance Reintroduce 20,000 Radiated Tortoises in Madagascar

The Turtle Survival Alliance has been working with local communities and biologists to rehabilitate radiated tortoises that were poached and bound for the international pet trade. Their Wingtap project will help them implement their 5-year plan to reintroduce these animals to the wild in Madagascar. This work includes anti-poaching measures, employs community guardians, create alternate livelihoods, and establishes monitoring systems.

Track and Protect Silky Sifakas with the Lemur Conservation Foundation

The Lemur Conservation Foundation is seeking funds to purchase camera equipment for research in Anjanaribe-Sud SpecialReserve. This equipment will enable researchers to gather crucial data on silky sifaka population dynamics, habitat use, and behavior. It will also monitor the presence of potential threats like illegal hunting and logging.

How to Use Wingtap

  • On your phone, go to the App Store and search for Wingtap. The logo looks like a butterfly.
  • Install the app on your phone.
  • Use the app to find nonprofits and learn more about them!
  • Find a project that inspires you.
  • Tell your friends and donate if you can!


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